Collagen + Protein Pancakes

Finally slept in past 8 am this weekend, woke up feeling refreshed with not much on the agenda for today, so I decided to be a little creative with this morning's meal. Since it's dark and heavily raining, some type of pancakes seemed like a good fit to brighten the mood. Ingredients and nutrition facts listed below.. enjoy!


Topped with: 


  1. In a large mixing bowl, add the two bananas and heat in the microwave for 45 sec.
  2. Add the egg and whisk together. 
  3. In another small bowl, mix together collagen peptides, protein, flour, and xanthan gum. 
  4. Combine ingredients and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  5. Using a skillet or medium-sized frying pan, coat with cooking spray, butter or oil. 
  6. Use a large spoon or ladle to scoop mix onto pan. Let it cook over the heat for approximately 2 minutes on both sides until lightly brown. 
  7. Garnish with toppings. 

Nutrition Facts:

  • No. of Servings: 3
  • Calories per serving: 235
  • Fat: 5g
  • Carbs: 32g
  • Protein: 18g

** I'm not a supporter of supplements unless they're all natural and beneficial to overall health, so these made the cut. A serving of these collagen peptides provides 20g of collagen for healthy hair, skin, and nails, improved bone and joint health, increased muscle recovery, and improved digestion -- count me in! 

Spending the rest of my afternoon getting some work done for school, getting a treadmill run in, maybe some yoga practice, and planning out the rest of the week. Happy Sunday!

xo Erin