Have you ever found yourself wondering WHAT and WHEN to eat before your runs?

This is for anyone feeling lost or confused about how to properly fuel up for a run, race, or workout in general. I have been gluten-free/dairy-free for several years and have found that lifestyle to tremendously help with my digestive issues, so my options are a little more repetitive and limited, but I'm okay with consistency as long as it works! As a result, the options I’m sharing below are all tailored towards a gluten-free/dairy-free lifestyle and are listed for IDEAS. Please note I am not advocating that everyone trying to optimize athletic performance or physical fitness/health should pursue this route; this is just what has helped me overcome my history of debilitating stomach issues. I support what works best for the INDIVIDUAL and am happy to help offer suggestions and advice based on individual preferences.

In general, I try to eat an hour or two before I run, depending on how long the run is going to be. If it's longer than 5 miles, I'm a little more mindful of the timing and what I'm eating. TIMING IS EVERYTHING; plan accordingly.


Some staple items that have been easy for me to digest and work well as a pre- or post-run fuel source are listed here:

1-2 hours before a morning run (this applies to races as well):

- Eggs - I'll have 2 or 3 with some avocado and gluten-free toast

- Smoothie - Cashew or almond milk, bananas, protein (plant-based protein or dairy-free yogurt), granola

- Gluten-free oatmeal with almond milk and a banana

- Dairy-free yogurt with granola

1-2 hours before an evening run*:

I'll typically have a small "pre-dinner" and then eat more after I'm done. I’ve experimented with “fasted” training to better understand that perspective, and I’ve found it simply does not work well for me.

- Smoothie - same as above, I sometimes use other fruits

- Sweet potato/Japanese potato

- Hard-boiled eggs

- Gluten-free toast with avocado

- Chicken/turkey

*Usually depends on what else I've already eaten that day, but I try not to have anything too dense, as I've noticed evening runs are a little more difficult for me energy-wise

1-2 Hours post-evening run: A more balanced meal with protein/fats/carbs

Do not skip this! A post-run meal is part of recovery, muscle repair, and future performance.

- Protein sources: fish, chicken, turkey, lean ground meat

- Carb sources: veggies*, potatoes, gluten-free pasta, lentils

- Fats: avocado, oils, seeds, nuts

*With veggies, I typically stick to zucchini/squash, arugula, beets, carrots, spinach based on what I've discovered works/does not work well for me.

Less than 1-hour pre-run/workout:

I stick to the lighter side if less than an hour before — for me, lower in fats, and higher carbs works better for this timeframe.

- Banana

- Granola/Bar

- Potato (yes, I’m obsessed. Japanese and purple potatoes are life)

- Toast/avocado

Equally as important as your food intake is your WATER intake.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of your water consumption throughout the day, especially if you’re saving your workout/run for later in the evening (not to mention if you’re in TX or somewhere equally as hot). I aim for AT LEAST 3 liters throughout the day. Sitting at a desk in the corporate atmosphere can make it tough to keep water intake in mind, so I make sure to bring a giant, clear water bottle every day and place it right next to me at all times. When in doubt, drink more.

Here are some brands that I like for the items mentioned above:

- https://udisglutenfree.com/ - this is what I use for bread

- https://www.gomacro.com/ - protein bars

- https://oatmega.com/ - protein bars, lower in sugar

- https://purelyelizabeth.com/ - grain-free granola and oatmeal

- https://myvega.com/ - plant-based protein, also have good bars

- https://www.bearnaked.com/en_US/home.html - granolas

- https://superseedlife.com/ - good for snacks, pizza crust is a great source of healthy fats

- https://sodeliciousdairyfree.com/ - lately have been getting their coconut milk yogurt

- https://www.eatbanza.com - gluten-free pasta

- https://sietefoods.com/ - tortillas

- https://farmwisefoods.com/products/veggie-fries/ - I like to have these with dinners sometimes or even a snack


If you’ve ever felt completely lost about WHAT to eat and WHEN before a run or workout, I’d love to help you. Please feel free to reach out and let me know how I can help you!

